Partial Dentures Specialist

Missing teeth can impact your life in surprising ways. Beyond the cosmetic concern, they can affect your ability to chew comfortably, speak clearly, and even lead to jaw problems. Partial dentures offer a reliable and cost-effective solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring function to your smile.

This comprehensive guide will explore everything you need to know about partial dentures, from their different types and benefits to the procedure for getting fitted and caring for them. Whether you’re considering replacing a single tooth or several, partial dentures can be a transformative option for regaining confidence and improving your oral health.

Types of Partial Dentures

Partial dentures come in various designs to suit different needs and preferences. Here’s a breakdown of the most common types:

  • Cast-metal partial dentures: These are the strongest and most durable option, typically made with a metal framework that holds replacement teeth and clasps to anchor them to your natural teeth.
  • Flexible partial dentures:  These are made from a lightweight and flexible plastic material, often used for replacing one or a few front teeth. They’re comfortable and less noticeable but may not be as durable as cast-metal dentures.
  • Combination partial dentures: These combine a metal framework for strength with a flexible plastic base for a more natural look and comfortable fit.

In the next section, we’ll delve deeper into the advantages and disadvantages of each type to help you determine which might be the right choice for you.

Benefits of Partial Dentures

Partial dentures offer a multitude of advantages for those seeking to restore their smile and oral function. Here are some key benefits:

  • Improved Chewing: Missing teeth can make chewing difficult and uncomfortable. Partial dentures fill the gaps, allowing you to chew effectively and enjoy a wider variety of foods.
  • Enhanced Speech: Missing teeth can sometimes lead to slurred speech. Partial dentures restore the natural position of your teeth, improving your ability to speak clearly and confidently.
  • Boosted Confidence: A complete smile plays a significant role in self-esteem. Partial dentures can dramatically improve your appearance, allowing you to smile confidently without feeling self-conscious about missing teeth.
  • Prevents Shifting Teeth: Missing teeth can cause surrounding teeth to shift out of place, leading to bite problems and further tooth loss. Partial dentures maintain the proper spacing of your teeth, preventing these complications.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: Compared to dental implants or bridges, partial dentures are a more affordable option for replacing missing teeth.
  • Preserves Facial Structure: Missing teeth can impact the shape of your face. Partial dentures help maintain a youthful appearance by supporting facial tissues.

Are You a Good Candidate for Partial Dentures?

Partial dentures can be a transformative solution for many people, but it’s important to understand if they’re the right fit for you. Here are some factors to consider:

Number of Missing Teeth

Partial dentures are ideal for individuals missing several teeth, but not all of them. If you have all your teeth missing, full dentures may be a more suitable option.  For only one or two missing teeth, a dental bridge might be preferable.

Health of Remaining Teeth

The success of partial dentures relies on the health and strength of your remaining teeth. These teeth will act as anchors for the denture, so they need to be free from decay and gum disease. A dentist will assess your oral health to ensure your remaining teeth can support the denture.

Jawbone Health

In some cases, sufficient jawbone is needed for certain types of partial dentures, particularly those anchored by implants. If bone loss has occurred, bone grafting procedures might be necessary before getting partial dentures.

Manual Dexterity

Partial dentures are removable and require cleaning and maintenance.  If you have limitations with manual dexterity, discuss this with your dentist. They can advise on the most manageable types of partial dentures or alternative solutions.

Overall Health

Certain medical conditions may affect your candidacy for partial dentures.  Be sure to discuss your complete medical history with your dentist during the consultation.

Lifestyle and Expectations

Consider your lifestyle and expectations. Partial dentures take some time to adjust to, and speaking and eating may feel different initially.  However, with proper care and practice, most people find them comfortable and effective.

The best way to determine if partial dentures are right for you is to consult with a licensed dentist like our team at The Diablo Dental Group. We can examine your mouth, discuss your individual needs and preferences, and recommend the most suitable course of action for restoring your smile and oral health. 

Partial Dentures Q & A


What are partial dentures?

Partial dentures are an alternative to dental implants for replacing missing teeth. This type of treatment uses a removable appliance that contains an artificial tooth or teeth made of resin and porcelain. The prosthetic teeth attach to a gum-colored base that connects to your natural teeth to anchor it in place.

The Diablo Dental Group team creates a custom-fit denture using the latest technology to produce a mold of your mouth. This ensures your dentures are in the right shape and size to fit comfortably.

Wearing a partial denture not only enhances your smile, but also prevents the shifting of your natural teeth.

What can I expect wearing a partial denture?

partial dentures

It can take some time for you to adapt to the feel of the denture in your mouth. During the first few days, it may feel awkward or uncomfortable. Over time, however, you will get used to wearing the device and will enjoy the immediate benefits of replacing your missing teeth.

Initially, you may need to change your diet, limiting tough or sticky foods, until you adapt to the denture. However, you should notice it’s easier to eat and speak with your new teeth.

Over time, your partial denture may need adjustments to ensure a good fit. The Diablo Dental Group staff can assist you in scheduling appointments to monitor the condition of your denture and make fit adjustments as needed. Let your dentist know when your denture no longer feels comfortable without delay.

How do I care for a partial denture?

To remove bacteria and food debris, it’s important that you remove your partial denture daily for cleaning. The Diablo Dental Group staff recommends a safe, effective denture cleaner to disinfect the device before each use.

You also need to schedule routine dental exams and cleanings to keep your mouth and smile healthy. The staff recommends cleanings every six months and annual X-rays and dental exams to promote good oral health.

Rely on the expertise of The Diablo Dental Group for custom treatment plans to replace missing teeth with partial dentures. You can book a consultation online or by calling the office today.